Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to my Rolodexing Thoughts

Hello and welcome to my blog.  You have now entered the world of my rolodexing thoughts.  So what does 'rolodexing' mean, you might ask.  Well basically it works like this.  I am riding along in the car with my husband and all of a sudden I tell him "I think cell phone app are going to be the death of us all."  He is usually intrigued by my random thought, so then I start to explain what I mean.  There are so many times in my day that random thoughts just pop into my head.  It is like I am spinning a Rolodex and just pulling random cards, ie thoughts.

Last night we were in the car again and my husband was talking about all the amazing things Google knows about us and all the things Google can do.  So in the middle of his conversation I blurted out "I think Google is the Anti-Christ."  It was at this point where he said I think you should start a blog.

He has been subjected to my rolodexing thoughts for 7 years now and has for seven years given me this look of 'Where do you come up with this stuff.'   I think he now wants the rest of the world to experience my random thoughts along with him.

So go with me on this journey of my rolodexing thoughts.

Future Blogs to come:

1. God can even make your nipples pop out.
2. Google is the Anti-Christ
3. Cell Phone App are going to be the death of us

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